Advisory board members


Josée Weydert

Josée Weydert is the managing partner of NautaDutilh Luxembourg, where she heads the Luxembourg Banking & Finance practice. Josée specialises in financing, securitisation, (debt and equity) capital markets and financial regulatory matters. Josée is a trusted advisor of numerous financial institutions, financial professionals and corporate groups. Due to her extensive experience working in the capital markets […]


Cindy Tereba

Cindy Tereba was born in 1979 in Luxembourg. She left her home country in 1998 to pursue her studies in fine arts and literature in London, Düsseldorf and Paris and subsequently pursued an international career. She started her professional path off at the Institut Français in Düsseldorf before she ventured into the business world, working for a German e-commerce startup. In 2008 […]


Marie Laure Goeres

Marie Laure Goeres completed her studies in Economics in St Gallen, Switzerland. Having started her first company at the age of 18, she continues her entrepreneurial adventures at the side of her father, as General Manager of Goeres Hotels. She moved back to Luxembourg in 2020 where she has been working at Goeres Hotels since. […]

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