
Iga Młynarczyk

Iga Mlynarczyk provides leading-edge tax and consultancy services to her clients, with a particular focus on group reorganizations, cross-border financing and mergers and acquisitions. Iga has a deep understanding of the complexities of international structuring with several jurisdictions involved.


Anna Hermelinski-Ayache

Anna Hermelinski-Ayache’s practice concentrates on corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, financial and securities law and corporate restructuring. Anna advises a number of private equity firms, international groups, lenders, borrowers, underwriters, sponsors and venture capital firms, on corporate re-organisations, financing and re-financing as well as restructurings.


Igor Jelinski-Gaillardin

With over 25 years of experience in business development and change management for multinational, listed, and under LBO corporations, Igor specializes in improving the bottom line by implementing tough efficiencies, transforming business systems, and redesigning organizations. Over the past quarter-century, Igor has served as CEO in various industries such as FMCG, chemicals, and automotive, and […]


Paul Schmit

He studied law at the University of Strasbourg and political science at Paris II University. After his studies, he joined the Luxembourg civil service, firstly in the Ministry of Defence, then in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he has served since 1992. He has completed several foreign missions, including Brussels (Permanent Representations to NATO and to the […]


Piotr Wojtczak

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Luxembourg. Piotr Wojtczak has been working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1994. He specialises in European affairs. He has also held managerial positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Deputy Director of the Europe Department, Director General of the External Service and […]


Josée Weydert

Josée Weydert is the managing partner of NautaDutilh Luxembourg, where she heads the Luxembourg Banking & Finance practice. Josée specialises in financing, securitisation, (debt and equity) capital markets and financial regulatory matters. Josée is a trusted advisor of numerous financial institutions, financial professionals and corporate groups. Due to her extensive experience working in the capital markets […]


Katia Ciesielska

Katia is a legal and corporate governance counsel with over 13 years of multi-cultural experience covering commercial companies, regulated and unregulated fund vehicles and other corporate entities. She has a profound knowledge of Luxembourg regulatory regime and advises daily on corporate law and governance, mergers and acquisitions, joint venture agreements, PE & RE deals, secured […]


Bartosz Jałowiecki

Bartosz Jałowiecki, Poland’s former ambassador to Luxembourg and LPCC’s honorary member, serves as LPCC’s representative in Poland. Bartosz is a graduate of Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and he has been holding numerous managerial positions in public administration, in the private sector and in think-tanks – in Poland and in the United States. Throughout his business […]


Cindy Tereba

Cindy Tereba was born in 1979 in Luxembourg. She left her home country in 1998 to pursue her studies in fine arts and literature in London, Düsseldorf and Paris and subsequently pursued an international career. She started her professional path off at the Institut Français in Düsseldorf before she ventured into the business world, working for a German e-commerce startup. In 2008 […]

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    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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