october, 2019

24oct6:30 pm10:00 pmLPCC MEETUP


Event Details

During this month’s Meetup we will focus on the logistics industry, with the special participation of our Corporate Members Zet Transport and CFL Multimodal.

Monthly Meetups are a free recurring event organized by the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce on the last Thursday of every month, aimed at professionals interested in making new acquaintances and expanding their network in Luxembourg. Registration is mandatory for participants.

To register click here or on the banner below >>>

ZET Transport is a privately held logistics company with over 25 years of experience on European markets and more than 500 employees. An asset-based operator, Zet Transport offers a comprehensive portfolio of services including: road transportation across Europe and West Asia, Road Feeder Service for air cargocustoms services, as well as in-house transportationpackaging & reloading services performed according to client’s specific requirements. With modern fleet of over 300 trucks and a number of proven hauliers ZET Transport is able to effectively manage for its customers significant volumes of loads with capacity guaranteed thorough whole year. In 2017 we transported over 46000 loads within Europe.
CFL multimodal, whose origins date back to 1979, is a subsidiary of the CFL group at 99.99%. The company has developed through several acquisitions to become one of the main players in logistics in Luxembourg. The ideal geographic location of the Bettemburg terminal at the heart of Europe positions CFL multimodal as a central logistics hub that is able to provide regular transport relations to the ports of the North Sea, as well as the Baltic Sea and Southern Europe.
CFL multimodal is a global service provider and offers a broad service portfolio: combined rail-road transportfreight solutions for rail, road, waterways and airwarehousing, customs services and all other services of the logistics chain. In addition, CFL multimodal offers city logistics services targeted at Luxembourg City’s retailers.
Part of our event series:



(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm


The Office


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