Polish Speaking Leaders

Lasting Connections and Professional Synergy

The Polish Speaking Leaders, hosted by His Excellency Piotr Wojtczak, the ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, took place on Thursday, 25th January 2024.

The Polish Speaking Leaders event, meticulously crafted to assemble high-level decision-makers for an evening of networking, idea exchange, and collaboration, exceeded all expectations.

The evening commenced with warm welcoming speeches from the distinguished host, H.E. Piotr Wojtczak, and Artur Sosna, the president of the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce.

During the event, impactful discussions unfolded, centered around the larger involvement of decision-makers in the creation of an annual business conference – LPCC’s flagship event. Furthermore, each participant had the unique opportunity to present themselves, fostering stronger connections and a deeper understanding of individual professional roles.

Amidst engaging networking sessions, participants enjoyed a delightful refreshments, enhancing the overall experience of this highly successful event.

Please scroll down to view the photo coverage of the event.

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